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How to call different tooltips on click datagrid image buttons?

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Ram asked on 27 Feb 2009, 04:55 PM
in radgrid  I am having a image column which contains two different images buttons;
So, here my requirement is I want to show one tooltip on click of first image click and another tooltip on click of second image button
(Here my Target controlID is same that is image button)
how could I do that ?


I could make my question like this

In radtooltip I am having 2 DIV 's, So on click of first image in grid I want to display first div and i dont wan to display second div
and on click of second image in grid I want to display second div and i dont wan to display first div

how to do that ?


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Telerik team
answered on 03 Mar 2009, 01:29 PM
Hello Ram,
From the provided information, I am not quite sure whether you use a RadToolTip, defined in the ItemTemplate of a column in the RadGrid, or rather a RadToolTipManager and add the ClientIDs of your buttons to the TargetControls collection of the manager.

In the first case, you can simply define two different RadToolTips with different content for the two buttons. In case you use one RadToolTip for the two buttons and show it using the client-side API of the control when you click them, in the click handler, just before you show the tooltip, you can check which button fired the event and hide/show the corresponding DIV in the tooltip.

In the case of RadToolTipManager, you have to add both ClientIDs of the two buttons to the TargetControls collection.

In case you could send me a simple running project, demonstrating your setup, together with detailed information on the expected result, I will be able to provide more concrete information.

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