I'm working to transition rdlc reports from .net 4 to .net 6 with telerik reporting, and trying to reuse or convert as much of the old system as I can
I've got a report created in the standalone report designer with the dataset that matches the old report, and I've got the report service configured
I would like to populate my dataset through a service method based on parameters passed from a previous screen. The issue is that I cannot see a way to pass a populated data set through the front end of the HTML5 report viewer, and the documentation on the site for the Form_Load methods use a reportViewer1 variable that seems to be a Microsoft web forms reportviewer control that has no contemporary in .net core
I've looked into the NeedDataSource and ItemDataBinding events as well as using a service method to return the populated dataset as the Object Data Source, however I cannot create a service without passing parameters as the .net core dependency injection model directs, and that creates errors with the report designer attempting to dynamically generate the service
It seems like the only path forwards is to scrap the Object Data Source and try to rewrite all report logic as stored procedures. Am I missing something? Is there a way that I can pass a populated DataSet to the report to use as the data source? Is there any way I can pass a singleton service instance to return the populated dataset?