How to apply page breaks before or after a specific panel within the detail section

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.NET Framework DataSource JSON Graph Report Designer (standalone) Report Parameters Table
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Srikar asked on 09 May 2024, 07:31 PM
I have a scenario where I have multiple components, including tables, panels with textboxes, and charts/graphs. I want to add a page break after a specific panel to ensure that it appears on the new page regardless of the size of the content on the previous page. I do not see any straightforward way to do this, and the keepTogether property doesn't always work.

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answered on 14 May 2024, 09:58 AM

Hello Srikar,

Indeed, page breaks can be added before/after report sections, group sections, and table/crosstab groups (see Paging and Keep Together) but regular report items do not support this.

Still, an alternative you can use is to place a SubReport Item wherever you need a page break to occur and set the PageBreak property of the first/last section in the report referenced by the SubReport item.

For reference, I am attaching a sample report that illustrates this.
I hope you find this example useful.

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.NET Framework DataSource JSON Graph Report Designer (standalone) Report Parameters Table
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