Hi All
I have a radgrid with the header and item been taken from code behind.
In the .cs I have set the width
My Code:
I have a radgrid with the header and item been taken from code behind.
In the .cs I have set the width
My Code:
void rgvReport_ColumnCreated(object source, GridColumnCreatedEventArgs e)
if (e.Column is GridBoundColumn && !(e.Column.IsBoundToFieldName("Project/Date")))
e.Column.HeaderStyle.HorizontalAlign =
HorizontalAlign.Center ;
e.Column.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign =
e.Column.HeaderStyle.Width = 55;
e.Column.ItemStyle.Width = 55;
e.Column.HeaderStyle.Width = 70;
e.Column.ItemStyle.Width = 70;
But the header width is different from the Item width.
Please could anybody tell me how to rectify this problem.
Thank you