Hi ,
I used three RadToolBarButton with image only in RadToolBar control , how to align all are in center position with Separator.
Screenshot -- http://prntscr.com/tchs0y
Like this -- http://prntscr.com/tchsun
Hi, i found how to give separator, for now i need to bind data in radtoolbardropdown , i have 2 to 3 radtoolbardropdown in radtoolbar, i need to bind data for only one dropdown control, if i use code like this , it will bind data as radtoolbar items.
Private Function CreateTestTable() As DataTable
Dim table As New DataTable() table.Columns.Add("Text") table.Columns.Add("Value") table.Columns.Add("Tooltip") table.Rows.Add(New String() {"button1", "1", "tooltip1"}) table.Rows.Add(New String() {"button2", "2", "tooltip2"}) table.Rows.Add(New String() {"button3", "3", "tooltip3"})Return table End Function