I can't find a solution to this : I want to create an order form with a grid abd 5 textbox by rows. In these textbox, the user will enter quantity and all the grid will be saved at the save button. So, i need to do this in code-behind. I have this code :
MyGrid.DataSource = ds
'Colon #0 > DescriptionNaviguateUrl
mycolumn= New Telerik.Web.UI.GridBoundColumn
mycolumn.HeaderText = "DescriptionNaviguateUrl"
mycolumn.DataField = "DescriptionNaviguateUrl"
mycolumn.Visible = False
'Column#1 >Model + COlor
mycolumn= New Telerik.Web.UI.GridBoundColumn
mycolumn.HeaderText = "Model #"
mycolumn.DataField = "Model"
mycolumn.Visible = False
How can i add a texbox column in the same way?