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How Open RadWindow Popup on Button Click Handler

8 Answers 1626 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Ravi Kumar
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Ravi Kumar asked on 27 Jul 2010, 07:08 AM

I have user control, in which  have "Add" button. now i,m calling this user control in my page and firing click event of Add button (which is in the user control)

       protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HeaderToolBar1.Add_Event += new WFSite.ViewControls.HeaderToolBar.AddDelegate(HeaderToolBar1_Add_Event);

        void HeaderToolBar1_Add_Event(object sender, RadToolBarEventArgs e)
           // How to open radwindow popup

Thank you

8 Answers, 1 is accepted

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answered on 27 Jul 2010, 07:34 AM

Hello Aravind,

You can open the RadWindow from the server by setting its VisibleOnPageLoad property to true.


RadWindowManager windowManager = new RadWindowManager();  
RadWindow widnow1 = new RadWindow();  
// Set the window properties  
widnow1.NavigateUrl = "Window1.aspx";  
widnow1.ID = "RadWindow1";  
widnow1.VisibleOnPageLoad = true; // Set this property to True for showing window from code  

More information on the subject is available here:


Ravi Kumar
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Rank 1
answered on 27 Jul 2010, 08:38 AM
Hi Shinu

Thanks for reply.

User Control (HTML):
<telerik:RadToolBar ID="RadToolBar1" runat="server" Height="26px" Width="100%" OnButtonClick="RadToolBar1_ButtonClick">
        <telerik:RadToolBarButton runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/TLB_ADDNEW_16.gif" Text="<%$ Resources:PDICulture, htbControlAdd %>"
            ToolTip="<%$ Resources:PDICulture, htbControlToolTipAdd %>">

User Control Code Behind:

 public delegate void AddDelegate(object sender, RadToolBarEventArgs e);
 public event AddDelegate Add_Event;

  protected void RadToolBar1_ButtonClick(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolBarEventArgs e)
       Add_Event(sender, e);

Content Page in which i,m using user control

void HeaderToolBar1_Add_Event(object sender, RadToolBarEventArgs e)
           // How to open radwindow popup
           RadWindowManager windowManager = new RadWindowManager();
            RadWindow widnow1 = new RadWindow();
            // Set the window properties   
            widnow1.NavigateUrl = "DateDialog.aspx";
            widnow1.ID = "RadWindow1";
            widnow1.VisibleOnPageLoad = false; // Set this property to True for showing window from code   

Its not working at my end. Can you see whats going wrong.

Thank you

Georgi Tunev
Telerik team
answered on 27 Jul 2010, 01:17 PM
Hello Ravi,

In your code you:
1. Create a RadWindowManager
2. Create a RadWindow
3. Set RadWindow's properties
4. Add RadWindow to RadWindowManager's collection.

You don't add the manager to the page however. I would also recommend to add the controls not directly to the page, but to the form or better - to a placeholder inside that form.

Sincerely yours,
Georgi Tunev
the Telerik team
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Ravi Kumar
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Rank 1
answered on 28 Jul 2010, 09:11 AM

Thanks for reply

its working fine now. you are rock!!!

Thank you
Robert Smith
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answered on 29 Jul 2010, 03:11 PM

I'm having same problem but i have not figured out the fix.  Can you please post your final code that fixed for you?

Ravi Kumar
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answered on 02 Aug 2010, 08:17 AM
You can use

 protected void btnMESetPassword_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

 function openRadWindow()
             var firstName = $("#<%= txtMEFirst.ClientID %>").val();
             var middleName = $("#<%= txtMEMiddleInitial.ClientID %>").val();
             var lastName = $("#<%= txtMELast.ClientID %>").val();
             var employeeid = $("#<%= txtMEEmployeeProfileID.ClientID %>").val();
             var name = employeeid + ' - ' + firstName +' ' + middleName + ' ' + lastName;
             var oWnd = radopen("SetPasswordDialog.aspx?EmployeeName=" + name, "PasswordWindow");
<telerik:RadWindowManager ID="RadWindowManager1" runat="server">
<telerik:RadWindow Modal="true" Width="400px" Height="200px" Behaviors="Move, Close"
                ReloadOnShow="true" ID="PasswordWindow" runat="server" VisibleStatusbar="true"
                NavigateUrl="SetPasswordDialog.aspx" OnClientClose="OnClientCloseSetPassword" />

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answered on 28 Nov 2012, 07:44 AM
Hi all,

I want to open the radwindow on delegate event ,i try this code

  RadWindow window1 = new RadWindow();
            window1.NavigateUrl = "";
            window1.VisibleOnPageLoad = true;
            window1.Width = 500;
            window1.Height = 300;

but it doesn't work ...please provide any snap or document
Danail Vasilev
Telerik team
answered on 30 Nov 2012, 04:28 PM
Hi Rohan,

А possible scenario in your case could be that you are ajaxifying some part of the page and the form is not updated. You have to add the window object to the form not just to the page. Please refer to this article which will shed more light on how to open RadWindow from the server.

All the best,
Danail Vasilev
the Telerik team
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Ravi Kumar
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Answers by
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Ravi Kumar
Top achievements
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Georgi Tunev
Telerik team
Robert Smith
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Top achievements
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Danail Vasilev
Telerik team
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