the 2 examples provided does not extract individual textbox property from edit form. I've built my entire grid through code behind. But I can not extract the new value thats being changed in the edit mode.
protected void CreateGrids(RadPageView PageView) |
{ |
Control Control = new Control(); |
RadGrid temp = new RadGrid(); |
temp.ID = "RadGrid_" + PageView.ID; |
temp.Skin = "Hay"; |
temp.MasterTableView.CommandItemDisplay = GridCommandItemDisplay.Top; |
temp.AutoGenerateColumns = false; |
temp.Width = 500; |
//temp.ItemDataBound += RadGrid1_ItemDataBound; |
temp.AllowAutomaticInserts = false; |
temp.AllowAutomaticUpdates = false; |
temp.AllowAutomaticDeletes = false; |
temp.InsertCommand += new GridCommandEventHandler(RadGrid_Insert); |
temp.UpdateCommand += new GridCommandEventHandler(RadGrid_Update); |
temp.DeleteCommand += new GridCommandEventHandler(RadGrid_Delete); |
//temp.ItemCommand +=new GridCommandEventHandler(RadGrid_Commands); |
temp.EnableViewState = false; |
temp.MasterTableView.EditMode = GridEditMode.EditForms; |
if (PageView.ID == "Address") |
{ |
//temp.NeedDataSource += new GridNeedDataSourceEventHandler(this.tem temp_NeedDataSource); |
GridEditCommandColumn EditColumn = new GridEditCommandColumn(); |
temp.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(EditColumn); |
GridBoundColumn AddressColumn = new GridBoundColumn(); |
temp.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(AddressColumn); |
AddressColumn.DataField = "Address"; |
AddressColumn.HeaderText = "Address"; |
AddressColumn.UniqueName = "Address"; |
GridBoundColumn AddressColumn2 = new GridBoundColumn(); |
temp.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(AddressColumn2); |
AddressColumn2.DataField = "Address2"; |
AddressColumn2.HeaderText = "Address2"; |
AddressColumn2.UniqueName = "Address2"; |
GridBoundColumn CityColumn = new GridBoundColumn(); |
temp.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(CityColumn); |
CityColumn.DataField = "City"; |
CityColumn.HeaderText = "City"; |
CityColumn.UniqueName = "City"; |
GridBoundColumn StateColumn = new GridBoundColumn(); |
temp.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(StateColumn); |
StateColumn.DataField = "StateOrRegion"; |
StateColumn.HeaderText = "State"; |
StateColumn.UniqueName = "State"; |
GridBoundColumn ZipColumn = new GridBoundColumn(); |
temp.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(ZipColumn); |
ZipColumn.DataField = "PostalCode"; |
ZipColumn.HeaderText = "Zip Code"; |
ZipColumn.UniqueName = "PostalCode"; |
GridButtonColumn DeleteColumn = new GridButtonColumn(); |
temp.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(DeleteColumn); |
DeleteColumn.CommandName = "Delete"; |
DeleteColumn.Text = "Delete"; |
DeleteColumn.ButtonType = GridButtonColumnType.ImageButton; |
temp.DataSource = SynergieEMR.GetAddress(new Guid("992740df-ebac-4409-854a-0a16637c8b00")); |
} |
else if (PageView.ID == "Phone") |
{ |
GridBoundColumn TypeColumn = new GridBoundColumn(); |
temp.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(TypeColumn); |
TypeColumn.DataField = "Type"; |
TypeColumn.HeaderText = "Type"; |
TypeColumn.UniqueName = "Type"; |
GridBoundColumn ContactNumberColumn = new GridBoundColumn(); |
temp.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(ContactNumberColumn); |
ContactNumberColumn.DataField = "ContactNumber"; |
ContactNumberColumn.HeaderText = "Contact Number"; |
ContactNumberColumn.UniqueName = "ContactNumber"; |
GridBoundColumn NotesColumn = new GridBoundColumn(); |
temp.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(NotesColumn); |
NotesColumn.DataField = "SpecialInstructions"; |
NotesColumn.HeaderText = "Notes"; |
NotesColumn.UniqueName = "Notes"; |
GridButtonColumn DeleteColumn = new GridButtonColumn(); |
DeleteColumn.CommandName = "Delete"; |
DeleteColumn.Text = "Delete"; |
DeleteColumn.ButtonType = GridButtonColumnType.ImageButton; |
temp.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(DeleteColumn); |
temp.DataSource = SynergieEMR.GetTeleCommunications(new Guid("992740df-ebac-4409-854a-0a16637c8b00")); |
} |
else if (PageView.ID == "Email") |
{ |
GridBoundColumn TypeColumn = new GridBoundColumn(); |
temp.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(TypeColumn); |
TypeColumn.DataField = "Type"; |
TypeColumn.HeaderText = "Type"; |
TypeColumn.UniqueName = "Type"; |
GridBoundColumn ContactNumberColumn = new GridBoundColumn(); |
temp.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(ContactNumberColumn); |
ContactNumberColumn.DataField = "ContactAddress"; |
ContactNumberColumn.HeaderText = "Email Address"; |
ContactNumberColumn.UniqueName = "ContactAddress"; |
GridBoundColumn NotesColumn = new GridBoundColumn(); |
temp.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(NotesColumn); |
NotesColumn.DataField = "SpecialInstructions"; |
NotesColumn.HeaderText = "Notes"; |
NotesColumn.UniqueName = "Notes"; |
GridButtonColumn DeleteColumn = new GridButtonColumn(); |
DeleteColumn.CommandName = "Delete"; |
DeleteColumn.Text = "Delete"; |
DeleteColumn.ButtonType = GridButtonColumnType.ImageButton; |
temp.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(DeleteColumn); |
temp.DataSource = SynergieEMR.GetECommunication(new Guid("992740df-ebac-4409-854a-0a16637c8b00")); |
} |
//temp.DataBind(); |
Control.Controls.Add(temp); |
PageView.Controls.Add(Control); |
} |