How do I use drag and drop to change a Chart position and then save the position in localstorege

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Charts Drag and Drop
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Tejas asked on 08 Aug 2023, 12:28 PM
import * as React from "react"; import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import { Chart, ChartSeries, ChartSeriesItem, ChartCategoryAxis, ChartCategoryAxisItem, ChartTitle, ChartLegend } from "@progress/kendo-react-charts"; import 'hammerjs'; const categories = [2002, 2003, 2004]; const series = [{ name: "India", data: [3.907, 7.943, 7.848] }, { name: "Russian Federation", data: [4.743, 7.295, 7.175] }, { name: "Germany", data: [0.21, 0.375, 1.161] }, { name: "World", data: [1.988, 2.733, 3.994] }]; const areaData = [{ name: "World", data: [3.988, 3.733, 3.994] }, { name: "Germany", data: [2.21, 2.375, 2.161] }, { name: "Russian Federation", data: [1.743, 1.295, 1.175] }, { name: "India", data: [0.907, 0.943, 0.848] }]; const pieData = [{ name: "India", share: 0.24 }, { name: "Russian Federation", share: 0.26, explode: true }, { name: "Germany", share: 0.1 }, { name: "World", share: 0.4 }]; const ChartContainer = () => <> <div className="row mb-3"> <div className="col-6"> <div className="k-card"> <Chart style={{ height: 350 }}> <ChartTitle text="Column Chart" /> <ChartLegend position="top" orientation="horizontal" /> <ChartCategoryAxis> <ChartCategoryAxisItem categories={categories} startAngle={45} /> </ChartCategoryAxis> <ChartSeries> {, idx) => <ChartSeriesItem key={idx} type="column" tooltip={{ visible: true }} data={} name={} />)} </ChartSeries> </Chart> </div> </div> <div className="col-6"> <div className="k-card"> <Chart style={{ height: 350 }}> <ChartTitle text="Line Chart" /> <ChartLegend position="top" orientation="horizontal" /> <ChartCategoryAxis> <ChartCategoryAxisItem categories={categories} startAngle={45} /> </ChartCategoryAxis> <ChartSeries> {, idx) => <ChartSeriesItem key={idx} type="line" tooltip={{ visible: true }} data={} name={} />)} </ChartSeries> </Chart> </div> </div> </div> <div className="row"> <div className="col-6"> <div className="k-card"> <Chart style={{ height: 350 }}> <ChartTitle text="Area Chart" /> <ChartLegend position="top" orientation="horizontal" /> <ChartCategoryAxis> <ChartCategoryAxisItem categories={categories} startAngle={45} /> </ChartCategoryAxis> <ChartSeries> {, idx) => <ChartSeriesItem key={idx} type="area" tooltip={{ visible: true }} data={} name={} />)} </ChartSeries> </Chart> </div> </div> <div className="col-6"> <div className="k-card"> <Chart style={{ height: 350 }}> <ChartTitle text="Pie Chart" /> <ChartLegend position="top" orientation="horizontal" /> <ChartSeries> <ChartSeriesItem type="pie" overlay={{ gradient: "sharpBevel" }} tooltip={{ visible: true }} data={pieData} categoryField="name" field="share" /> </ChartSeries> </Chart> </div> </div> </div> </>; ReactDOM.render(<ChartContainer />, document.querySelector("my-app"));

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Konstantin Dikov
Telerik team
answered on 10 Aug 2023, 09:21 AM

Hi Tejas,

There are few options that we can suggest:

The TileLayout might be the best options, since it provides built-in option for repositioning and you can store the new state in the localStorage. 

As a side note, here is an example with the TileLayout that temporary hides the content during repositioning (which might be needed with the Chart components):

Hope this helps.


Konstantin Dikov
Progress Telerik

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Charts Drag and Drop
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Answers by
Konstantin Dikov
Telerik team
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