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How can I stop and start timer

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BET asked on 04 Feb 2013, 02:28 PM

How can I stop timer(in other words stop browser refresh/page refresh), while dragging a task from RadGrid to RadScheduler and how can I start timer(in other words start browser refresh/page refresh), after the task is dropped.
My drag and drop is similar to this demo

This is my code for RadScheduler:
<telerik:RadScheduler ID="rsTicketsSchedule" runat="server" AllowInsert="False" DisplayDeleteConfirmation="False"
                            Localization-HeaderToday="Today" EnableCustomAttributeEditing="True" EnableDescriptionField="True"
                            Height="100%" EnableExactTimeRendering="true" EnableViewState="true" OverflowBehavior="Scroll"
                            ShowAllDayRow="false" OnAppointmentDataBound="TicketsSchedule_AppointmentDataBound"
                            OnNavigationComplete="rsTicketsSchedule_NavigationComplete" OnNavigationCommand="rsTicketsSchedule_NavigationCommand"
                            OnTimeSlotCreated="rsTicketsSchedule_TimeSlotCreated" OnAppointmentUpdate="onApptUpdate"
                            OnClientAppointmentDoubleClick="rsClientAppointmentDoubleClick" OnClientAppointmentClick="singleClick"
                            OnClientAppointmentContextMenu="CheckTimerStatus" OnClientAppointmentContextMenuItemClicked="handleClick"
                            OnClientFormCreated="ClientFormCreated" OnDataBound="rsTicketsSchedule_DataBound"
                            OnClientAppointmentMoveEnd="AppointmentMoved" OnClientAppointmentDeleting="OnClientAppointmentDeleting"
                            CustomAttributeNames="HasAttachment"    DataReminderField="Reminder" OnClientAppointmentEditing= "StopTimer"    >
                                         <asp:Panel ID="RecurrencePanel" CssClass="rsAptRecurrence" runat="server" Visible="false" />
                                         <asp:Panel ID="RecurrenceExceptionPanel" CssClass="rsAptRecurrenceException" runat="server"
                                              Visible="false" />
                                       <%--  <asp:Panel ID="ReminderPanel" CssClass="rsAptReminder" runat="server" Visible="true" />--%>
                                         <div id="ApptImageDiv" style="text-align:right; position:absolute; width:95%;" >
                                             <asp:Image ID="ApptAttachmentImg" runat="server"  Width="16px" Height="17px" style=" margin-right:5px; background:url(img/sprite-alpha.png)-166px -34px no-repeat; background-position: -98px -66px; border:transparent; " 
                                                           Visible='<%# String.IsNullOrEmpty(Container.Appointment.Attributes["HasAttachment"])? false : Boolean.Parse(Container.Appointment.Attributes["HasAttachment"]) %>'
                                         <%#Eval("Subject") %>     
                            </AppointmentTemplate    >
                            <AppointmentContextMenus     >
                            <DayView UserSelectable="True" GroupBy="TechName" GroupingDirection="Horizontal" />
                            <WeekView UserSelectable="True" GroupBy="TechName" GroupingDirection="Vertical" />
                            <MonthView UserSelectable="True" GroupBy="TechName" GroupingDirection="Vertical" />
                            <TimelineView ColumnHeaderDateFormat="h:mm tt" GroupingDirection="Vertical" HeaderDateFormat="MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt"
                                NumberOfSlots="21" SlotDuration="00:30:00" StartTime="08:00:00" />
                            <AdvancedForm EnableCustomAttributeEditing="True" Modal="True" />
                                <telerik:ResourceType Name="TechName" />
                                <telerik:ResourceType Name="TicketState" />
                            <Reminders Enabled="true"></Reminders>

Thanks for your help in advance

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Boyan Dimitrov
Telerik team
answered on 07 Feb 2013, 01:36 PM

I would recommend using the asp:Timer control to refresh your page and rebind both the RadScheduler and RadGrid controls. Stopping and starting the timer control in specific client-side event handler could achieve the desired functionality. Please find attached a sample project that implements the described scenario.
I would summarize and highlight in the code below how you can stop and start the time in order to fit your requirement.
//markup code

<asp:Timer ID="Timer1" runat="server" Interval="6000" Enabled="true" OnTick="Timer1_Tick"></asp:Timer>
 <telerik:RadGrid runat="server" ID="RadGrid1" .......>
                    <ClientSettings AllowRowsDragDrop="True">
                   <ClientEvents OnRowDropping="rowDropping" OnRowDblClick="onRowDoubleClick" OnRowDragStarted="dragStarted"></ClientEvents>
function rowDropping(sender, eventArgs) {
    // Fired when the user drops a grid row
    var htmlElement = eventArgs.get_destinationHtmlElement();
    var scheduler = $find('<%= RadScheduler1.ClientID %>');
    var timer = $find("<%=Timer1.ClientID %>");
function dragStarted(sender, args) {
    var timer = $find("<%=Timer1.ClientID %>");
//code behind
protected void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

Here you could find more information about the asp:Timer control.

Boyan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
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Boyan Dimitrov
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