I can determine if a RadDataForm Is in Insert mode with code like this:
if ($find("<%= frmClaim.ClientID %>")._isItemInserted) { ...
But how can I determine if a RadDataForm is in edit mode from client side JavaScript?
3 Answers, 1 is accepted
Telerik team
answered on 09 Mar 2020, 01:12 PM
Hi Richard,
The DataForm does not provide API for getting the current Edit mode of the Item, but you can determine it depending on the visibility of the Edit element in a similar way:
if ($find("<%=frmClaim.ClientID %>")._Edit.style.display != "none") { ...
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The portion the portion "$find("<%= frmClaim.ClientID %>")" returns a value, but "$find("<%= frmClaim.ClientID %>")._Edit" seems to return null regardless of if the data form is in edit mode.
Telerik team
answered on 11 Mar 2020, 01:24 PM
Hi Richard,
Can you, please, share the exact version of the controls that you are using in your application? can you also send me a sample page where I can examine the exact DataForm setup and see what might prevent you to access the API of the control?
Progress Telerik
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