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How access to a Dictionary Values with Key

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Simon asked on 21 Aug 2019, 01:50 PM


how can I access to the value of a dictionary with the specification of the key?

The dictionary, named as OperationalTravelIncidentalCostSummary, has the key OperationalTravelIncidentalCostType.Hotel, and

OperationalTravelIncidentalCostType is from type enum.

I have tried the following, but... Error.     

= Fields.OperationalTravelIncidentalCostSummary[OperationalTravelIncidentalCostType.Hotel]

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answered on 26 Aug 2019, 10:11 AM
Hello Simon,

In order to display the values of a property that is a collection itself, you can bind declaratively the data item's DataSource property to a given collection property from your business object and the data item will display all collection items. For example, you can add a List item to the report and set its DataSource to be Fields.OperationalTravelIncidentalCostSummary.

For more information, check How to Databind to Collection Properties KB article. Additionally, you might find helpful this forum post that has attached video, demonstrating the approach: Dictionary object for objectdatasource.

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