I am a new for Telerik, I create a objectdatasource List<Dictionary<string, object>>
my mock data :
data['key1'] = 'value1'
I used below expression to display the value, but not support
= ReportItem.DataObject.key1 ? not support...
how can I display the key value in tempalte?
4 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hello kid,
Please check the attached video that illustrates how to bind to collection properties based on How to Databind to Collection Properties and How to use the ReportItem.DataObject property in expressions.
Keys and Values can be accessed via Fields.Keys and Fields,Values in expressions.
The video is a SWF file that can be previewed in IE browser.
Please check the attached video that illustrates how to bind to collection properties based on How to Databind to Collection Properties and How to use the ReportItem.DataObject property in expressions.
Keys and Values can be accessed via Fields.Keys and Fields,Values in expressions.
The video is a SWF file that can be previewed in IE browser.
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answered on 23 May 2016, 09:56 AM
but my report only display a form.
First Name: Fields['firstName'] Last Name : Fields['lastName']
Mobile : Fields['mobile'] Email : Fields['email']
Address : Fields['address']
How can do it?
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answered on 23 May 2016, 09:58 AM
Fields is an object of Dictionary<string, object>
The fields names will be the name of the direct properties of the wrapped business object. If it is a List of Dictionary, there will be fields like Keys and Values.
In your case, you can test using custom functions to get the desired values from the data object. In case of designing reports with the Standalone Report Designer, the designer will have to load the custom assembly with the user functions - Extending Report Designer (tutorials are available at the bottom of the article).
You can pass the current container's data object to the user function by using ReportItem.DataObject in expressions.
I hope this information is helpful.
The fields names will be the name of the direct properties of the wrapped business object. If it is a List of Dictionary, there will be fields like Keys and Values.
In your case, you can test using custom functions to get the desired values from the data object. In case of designing reports with the Standalone Report Designer, the designer will have to load the custom assembly with the user functions - Extending Report Designer (tutorials are available at the bottom of the article).
You can pass the current container's data object to the user function by using ReportItem.DataObject in expressions.
I hope this information is helpful.
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