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Horizontal Submenu Width and Height Grows

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Parker asked on 26 Jul 2010, 08:37 PM
I need to have the horizontal submenu that has the same width as the 1st main level with the items in the submenu 

|  Level 1     Level 1a     Level 1b    Level 1c    Level 1d  |
|            Sublevel 1a1  Sublevel 1a2  Sublevel 1a3          | 

I've manged to get the initial menus to look and work fine. The problem I'm having is if you hover over the Level 1c and then Level 1b the submenu grows in width and height.  The attached images may help to explain better what is happening.

|  Level 1     Level 1a     Level 1b    Level 1c    Level 1d  |
|            Sublevel 1a1  Sublevel 1a2  Sublevel 1a3                     |  width and hieght excedes the boundries.

Here is my code - any help or insight anyone can give is appreciated.

<script type="text/javascript">
        function itemOpening(sender, args)
           var SecRow = args.get_item().get_element();
           SecRow.childNodes[1].style.left = - SecRow.offsetLeft + "px"
<telerik:RadMenu ID="RadMenu1" runat="server" Flow="Horizontal" width="900px" OnClientItemOpened="itemOpening"
    skin="BC2010BLACK" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" style="float:left;">
    <expandanimation type="InOutQuad" duration="300" />
    <collapseanimation type="InOutQuad" duration="200" />
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          <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/OurFirm.aspx" Text="Our Firm" GroupSettings-Flow="horizontal">
          <GroupSettings ExpandDirection="Auto" Flow="Horizontal" width="898"/>
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                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/Diversity.aspx" Text="Diversity"  />
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          <GroupSettings ExpandDirection="Auto" Flow="Horizontal" width="898"/>
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                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server"  NavigateUrl="~/ourServices.aspx" Text="Practice Areas"  />
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/ADR.aspx" Text="Alternative Dispute Resolution" />
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server"  NavigateUrl="~/OurServices.aspx" Text="Industries Served"  />
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          <GroupSettings ExpandDirection="Auto" Flow="Horizontal" width="898"  />
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem IsSeparator="true"  width="60" runat="server" text="" />
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem  runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/attorneysbypractice.aspx" Text="by Practice" />
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                    <telerik:RadMenuItem  runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/attorneyalphalist.aspx" Text="by Last Name"/>
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem  runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/attorneysbyoffice.aspx" Text="by Office"/>
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem  runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/OurAttorneys.aspx" Text="Search" />
          <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server"  NavigateUrl="~/OurOffices.aspx"  Text="Our Offices"  GroupSettings-Flow="horizontal">  
               <GroupSettings ExpandDirection="Auto" Flow="Horizontal" width="898"  />
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem IsSeparator="true"  width="20" runat="server" text="" />
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/office.aspx?ID=1" Text="Boca Raton"/>
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/office.aspx?ID=8" Text="Destin"/>
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/office.aspx?ID=2" Text="Fort Lauderdale"/>
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/office.aspx?ID=3" Text="Miami"/>
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/office.aspx?ID=4" Text ="Orlando"/>
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/office.aspx?ID=5" Text="Tallahassee"/>
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/office.aspx?ID=6" Text="Tampa"/>
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/office.aspx?ID=7" Text="West Palm Beach" />
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                <GroupSettings ExpandDirection="Auto" Flow="Horizontal" width="898"  />
                 <telerik:RadMenuItem IsSeparator="true"  width="420" runat="server" text="" />
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server"  NavigateUrl="~/caseupdates.aspx" Text="Case Updates"  />
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server"  NavigateUrl="~/events.aspx" Text="Events"/>
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server"  NavigateUrl="~/pressreleases.aspx" Text="Press Releases"/>
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server"  NavigateUrl="~/publications.aspx" Text="Publications"/>
          <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server"  NavigateUrl="~/Careers.aspx" Text ="Careers">
               <GroupSettings ExpandDirection="Auto" Flow="Horizontal"  width="898"/>
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem IsSeparator="true"  width="600" runat="server" text="" />
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem  runat="server"  NavigateUrl="~/careersattorneys.aspx" Text ="Attorneys" />
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server"  NavigateUrl="~/careerslawstudents.aspx" Text="Law Students"    />
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/careersstaff.aspx" Text="Staff"/>

4 Answers, 1 is accepted

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answered on 29 Jul 2010, 04:00 PM
I'm "dead in the water" until I can get this resolved. Does anyone have any ideas? 
Kamen Bundev
Telerik team
answered on 30 Jul 2010, 09:06 AM
Hi Parker,

Can you somehow send also the skin along with any images you use in it? I'm asking for them because without a skin the sub menus stay the same width and don't change.

Best wishes,
Kamen Bundev
the Telerik team
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answered on 30 Jul 2010, 08:26 PM
No images.  Here is the skin file...

/* RadMenu Black skin */

 background: #000000;

 text-align: right;

 background: none;
 border: 0;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK a
 text-decoration: none;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmLink
 line-height: 30px;
 text-decoration: none;
 color: #ffffff;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmLink:focused,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmFocused
 outline: 0;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRootGroup .rmLink:hover,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRootGroup .rmFocused,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRootGroup .rmExpanded
 color: #000000;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRootGroup .rmLink:hover .rmText,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRootGroup .rmFocused .rmText,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRootGroup .rmExpanded .rmText

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmLink:hover,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmFocused,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmExpanded,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmLink:hover .rmText,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmFocused .rmText,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmExpanded .rmText

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRootGroup .rmLink
 margin-right: 5px;
 overflow: visible;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRootGroup .rmLink .rmText
 font: normal 12px Arial, sans-serif;

* html .RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmItem,* html .RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmHorizontal .rmLink,* html .RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmText{float:left}

* html .RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmText,* html .RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmVertical .rmText{float:none}

*+html .RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRootGroup .rmLink .rmText
 zoom: 1;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmLink .rmText
 font: normal 12px Arial, sans-serif;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup
 background: #cab388;
 border: 1px solid #0b0b0b;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmHorizontal
 height: 30px;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmHorizontal
 height: 21px;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmLink
 text-decoration: none;
 color: #000000;
 line-height: 18px;
 height: 21px;
 margin: 0;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK_rtl .rmGroup .rmLink

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmText
 padding:   10px 16px 5px 16px;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmLink .rmText
 padding: 3px  10px  3px 10px;
 font-size: 12px;
 margin-left: 0;
 margin-right: 0;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK_rtl .rmGroup .rmLink .rmText
 padding: 3px 10px 3px  10px;

/* <expand arrows styling> */

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmLink .rmExpandLeft
 background: #191919 url(Menu/ArrowExpandRTL.gif) no-repeat left center;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmLink .rmExpandRight
 background: #191919 url(Menu/ArrowExpand.gif) no-repeat right center;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmLink:hover .rmExpandLeft,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmFocused .rmExpandLeft,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmExpanded .rmExpandLeft
 color: #ccc;
 background: #191919 url(Menu/ArrowExpandHoveredRTL.gif) no-repeat left center;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmLink:hover .rmExpandRight,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmFocused .rmExpandRight,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmExpanded .rmExpandRight
 color: #ccc;
 background: #191919 url(Menu/ArrowExpandHovered.gif) no-repeat right center;

/* </expand arrows styling> */

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmExpanded
 z-index: 11;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmTopArrowDisabled,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmBottomArrowDisabled,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmLeftArrowDisabled,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRightArrowDisabled
 display: none;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmTopArrow,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmBottomArrow,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmLeftArrow,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRightArrow
 font-size: 0;
 line-height: 0;
 color: #fff;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmTopArrow,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmBottomArrow
 height: 10px;
 background: #343434 url(Menu/ArrowScrollUpDown.gif) no-repeat center top;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmTopArrow
 border-top: 1px solid #000;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmBottomArrow
 background-position: center bottom;
 border-bottom: 1px solid #000;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmLeftArrow,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRightArrow
 width: 10px;
 height: 20px;
 margin: 0;
 background: #343434 url(Menu/ArrowScrollLeftRight.gif) no-repeat left center;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRightArrow
 border-right: 1px solid #000;
 background-position: right center;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmLeftArrow
 border-left: 1px solid #000;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRootGroup .rmItem .rmDisabled .rmText,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmItem .rmDisabled .rmText
 color: #333;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRootGroup .rmItem .rmDisabled
 background: none;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmGroup .rmItem .rmDisabled
 background-color: #191919;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmSeparator
 background-color: #cab388;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmHorizontal .rmSeparator
 height: 20px;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmVertical .rmSeparator

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmLeftImage
 margin: 2px 0;

.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRootGroup .rmItem .rmDisabled:hover,
.RadMenu_BC2010BLACK .rmRootGroup .rmItem .rmDisabled:hover .rmText
 background: none;


Kamen Bundev
Telerik team
answered on 02 Aug 2010, 08:23 AM
Hi Parker,

Unfortunately I still can't reproduce the issue you're having in all browsers I tested in (IE6-8, Firefox 3.6, Chrome 5). Can you tell me the exact version of RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX you're using? Also do you have any other stylesheets that you load on your pages?

Kamen Bundev
the Telerik team
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Kamen Bundev
Telerik team
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