This is more of an annoyance than anything.
I have a radGrid..I click on a row, make an ajaxRequestWithTarget to write JavaScript & open a RadWindow.
During the Ajax Postback, all the text in all the rows of the grid get highlighted as if I'm selecting the text with my mouse.
It's only highlighted/selected briefly & then goes back to normal.
To correct that, I stopped using the ajaxRequestWithTarget & called my openPopupWindow method from the client side.
The highlighting issue is also happening when I close my RadWindow & have to refresh my grid.
I have to make the Ajax Request here, so I can't stop it from briefly selecting everything in the grid.
This isn't a problem in the previous telerik version. We have both versions in our app, until we convert them all over.
I could use this javascript to prevent selecting any text on the page, but then the user can't copy/paste data,
document.onselectstart = function() {return false;}
Any ideas?