Hi There
I would like to hide a grid column run time at Edit
mode if it does not contain a value.
I am using EditMode="InPlace".
I would still like to show that
column if it is not in edit mode
Can someone please help me
Thanks I have figure out myself and it is working now. Thanks for your help but I have another problem which I want you to help me
I have a very simple requirement inside Telerik Rad
Grid, and I hope someone able to help me out here.
I have two set of dates say Start date and End date
inside Grid and I am using Telerik:RadDatePicker in EditItemTemplate.
I have columns in my Grid from July to June(Total 12
months) which is by default hidden when I initial edit the Grid. What I want as
soon as someone select the dates in
start and end data column based on dates selected it automatically display the
column(July … june) using client application. I don’t want to use server side
event as I have to enforce my users to enter values for these months.
For example if user put initial start date: 12/07/2015 and End date is
30/10/2015 then as soon as date get selected it make the month of July to
October visible using client event. If in case user change his mind and change the
start date to 15/08/2015 then month of July should be disappear.
I am using the form edit mode of Rad grid
I hope it will be clear
Any questions please let me know
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