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Hide times with keeping position for others times

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Jean asked on 17 Oct 2016, 08:49 AM


I want to hide some times in the TimePicker without loosing the position of the displayed times.

Currently, when I set the StartTime and the EndTime, the removed times are "collapsed" in the component.

Instead of "collapsed", I want to hide the removed times.

See screenshots.

How can I modify the TimePicker style for my need?

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answered on 19 Oct 2016, 11:52 AM
Hello Jean,

When StartTime and EndTime are set actually a new ClockItemsSource is created with only the times between the set range - the visibility of the items is not set to Collapsed.

So, what we could suggest you in order to achieve the desired is to set the needed TimeInterval for the TImePicker and using a converter to change the Visibility of the Items based on your requirements for range without setting StartTime and EndTime.

Please, check the attached sample that demonstrates that approach.

Hope this helps.

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