I have an issue.
Can we hide the december month from thse.
see the attache image and code
here we setting the MultiViewRows based on a calculation.
some times the fourth month data(available date) will be none and user cannot view the foirth month
is this possible..in schduler_PreRender event?
please reply me urg
protected void schduler_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
RadCalendar popupCalendar = schduler.FindControl("SelectedDateCalendar") as RadCalendar;
popupCalendar.ShowOtherMonthsDays =
popupCalendar.AutoPostBack =
int count = GetMonthCount(lst.ToArray(), popupCalendar.SelectedDate).Count;
popupCalendar.MultiViewColumns = 2;
double _val = (double)count;
popupCalendar.MultiViewRows = (
popupCalendar.FocusedDate = lst[0];
popupCalendar.DayRender +=
new Telerik.Web.UI.Calendar.DayRenderEventHandler(popupCalendar_DayRender);