Hi there -
I currently have a page implemented where a radgrid is on the page, allowing each data item to have a radbutton which will open a radwindow as a modal. This Navigate URL is another aspx page, which in the Page_Load event does some database activity and generates a dynamic PDF as binary data, which it then writes out to the Response buffer of that child/report page. The effect of this is having a dynamic PDF load in a modal. This all works great.
However, this database query can take up to 8 seconds, and I wanted to give the user a loading panel (even simply spinning icon) in the radwindow until this data was ready, processed, and written to a byte array so it is ready for the response buffer.
What would be the best approach here? I know it gets a bit tricky due to the nature of this type of content (PDF) and AJAX knowing when the page is done loading so wanted to ask some pros.
I was thinking perhaps I can simply have that child/report page that comes in the modal contain just a simple ASP Panel , and then perhaps after the Page_Load events has fired and it has the byte array ready with the PDF content then I can simply write it to the response buffer in there and then make the panel visible?
I just wasn't sure the best approach.
Any help is greatly appreciated!