I have a dependency I need to show online; the problems I am facing seem to be better developed in other versions on the tool set than this. There also seems to be a lack of example code in vb.net as well as c# (unless I am missing something)
1. Browser size/resizing - I need to be able to resize the diagram view port based on the window size. Nothing about this at all? This seems strange as the client side API for other controls are very rich in what you can do with them using JavaScript.
2. My diagram is very large and does not fit the whole map in the viewport. I can user Ctrl + Move mouse to pan; but ideally this needs scroll bars. This can be achieved through other implementations of diagram Silverlight for instance. But not here?
3. Need to be able to attach a context menu to each shape and/or connection; also a context menu on the other space would be nice.
4. Can the connections be attached to a centre point whilst disabling the abilities to...
a. Disable the deletion of a diagram shape and connection
b. All connections start and end at centre points, all other connection points are removed
c. Disable the creation of connections between points.
Really the diagram tool is great honestly; but lacks a lot of features that you have done for other versions of the telerik toolset.