Hi Telerik Team, I have this gauge
<telerik:RadRadialGauge runat="server" ID="RadRadialGauge1" Width="300px" Height="300px">
<Pointer Value="10">
<Cap Size="0.1" />
<Scale Min="0" Max="100" MajorUnit="10"/>
I'm changing the pointer value in the code behind with this command:
RadRadialGauge1.Pointer.Value = 50;
The initial value of the pointer is 10, but when I call the command to set the value to 50, the pointer goes to zero and than after goes to 50.
I want that the pointer begin in 10 and go immediately to 50.
<telerik:RadRadialGauge runat="server" ID="RadRadialGauge1" Width="300px" Height="300px">
<Pointer Value="10">
<Cap Size="0.1" />
<Scale Min="0" Max="100" MajorUnit="10"/>
I'm changing the pointer value in the code behind with this command:
RadRadialGauge1.Pointer.Value = 50;
The initial value of the pointer is 10, but when I call the command to set the value to 50, the pointer goes to zero and than after goes to 50.
I want that the pointer begin in 10 and go immediately to 50.
4 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hi Gustavo,
When you dispose the control when it renders it plays this animation (the pointer moving from 0 to the designated value). If you want to avoid this behavior you should avoid disposing the control and you should use its client-side API instead: http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/gauge-client-side-api.html.
You can store the desired value in a hidden field and execute a script when the page is loaded that will read the hidden input and set the value. This help article explains how you can execute a script from the code-behind. Note the Sys.Application.add_load() approach. If you have a handler that will be executed at every load you will not need to call the script from the server.
For your convenience I am attaching here a simple page that shows how this can be done.
Danail Vasilev
the Telerik team
When you dispose the control when it renders it plays this animation (the pointer moving from 0 to the designated value). If you want to avoid this behavior you should avoid disposing the control and you should use its client-side API instead: http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/gauge-client-side-api.html.
You can store the desired value in a hidden field and execute a script when the page is loaded that will read the hidden input and set the value. This help article explains how you can execute a script from the code-behind. Note the Sys.Application.add_load() approach. If you have a handler that will be executed at every load you will not need to call the script from the server.
For your convenience I am attaching here a simple page that shows how this can be done.
Danail Vasilev
the Telerik team
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answered on 06 Aug 2015, 08:45 PM
[quote]When you dispose the control when it renders it plays this animation (the pointer moving from 0 to the designated value). If you want to avoid this behavior you should avoid disposing the control and you should use its client-side API instead: http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/gauge-client-side-api.html.[/quote]
Hi Danail,
could you explain how to avoid this behavior that you said, please?
I would like that the RadRadialGauge show the same effect explained by Gustavo, reproducing the transition from the current value to new value like a car velocimeter.
I found this link: Dispose your client objects, but I don't know if this way is the correct way to do what I want.
Hi Rafael,
You can find a fully runnable example on the matter in the attachment of my previous post. For your convenience I am providing it here too - http://www.telerik.com/clientsfiles/16fb5206-ba05-4386-9fba-c6f62de443fb_ChangeGaugeValueOnTheClient.zip?sfvrsn=0
Danail Vasilev
You can find a fully runnable example on the matter in the attachment of my previous post. For your convenience I am providing it here too - http://www.telerik.com/clientsfiles/16fb5206-ba05-4386-9fba-c6f62de443fb_ChangeGaugeValueOnTheClient.zip?sfvrsn=0
Danail Vasilev
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answered on 13 Aug 2015, 08:49 PM
Thanks Danail,