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Help!!! Multiple RadTool tips in a same page

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Raj asked on 15 Sep 2008, 02:37 AM


My Rad tool tip is working perfectly fine as long as it is the only radtool tip in that page. If I have more than one radtool tips in a page only one tooltip is working.
My Radtool tip is created programmatically and added to a control and that control is added to the web part's control collection.

So when I have more than one web parts in a page only one web part's rad tool tip works. My code is below. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong here.

In the webpart I have this control called Link Bubble
<Controls:ContentHelp ID="LinkBubble" runat="server" ContentId="viewuploadfile" TargetControlID="WebPartHelpVerb">


The above control's implementation is below.

using System;

using System.Text;

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Web;

using System.Xml;

using System.Xml.XPath;

using System.Configuration;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using Telerik.Web.UI;

using AjaxControlToolkit;

using Cts.Bamboo.UI.Controls;

using Cts.Web.Issuer.Utilities;

namespace Cts.Web.Issuer.UI.Controls


    /// <summary>


    /// </summary>

    public class ContentHelp : CompositeControl


        #region MODIFIERS


        private RadToolTip _radtooltip;

        private Cts.Bamboo.UI.Controls.ContentPanel _content;

        private string _controlPositioningStyleId = string.Empty;

        internal Parameter countryCode = new Parameter("country-code", TypeCode.String, (string)HttpContext.Current.Profile[ProfileVars.IssuerCountryCode]);


        /// <summary>


        /// </summary>

        public ContentHelp()

        { }


        #region PROPERTIES

        /// <summary>


        /// </summary>

        public string ContentId


            get { base.EnsureChildControls(); return _content.SelectParameters[0].DefaultValue; }

            set { base.EnsureChildControls(); _content.SelectParameters[0].DefaultValue = value;}


        /// <summary>


        /// </summary>

        public string TargetControlID


            get { base.EnsureChildControls(); return _radtooltip.TargetControlID; }

            set { base.EnsureChildControls(); _radtooltip.TargetControlID = value; }


        /// <summary>


        /// </summary>

        public string ControlPositioningStyleId


            get { base.EnsureChildControls(); return _controlPositioningStyleId; }

            set { base.EnsureChildControls(); _controlPositioningStyleId = value; }



        /// <summary>


        /// </summary>

        public RadToolTip Extender


            get { base.EnsureChildControls(); return _radtooltip; }



        #region DESIGNER CREATION

        /// <summary>


        /// </summary>

        protected override void CreateChildControls()




            this._content = new Cts.Bamboo.UI.Controls.ContentPanel();

            this._content.ItemTemplate = new HelpTemplate(this);

            this._content.Source = "webpart-help";


                QueryStringParameter helpIdparam = new QueryStringParameter("help-id", "help");




            _radtooltip = new RadToolTip();

            _radtooltip.ID = "popup";

            _radtooltip.ShowEvent = ToolTipShowEvent.OnClick;

            _radtooltip.ShowDelay = 0;

            _radtooltip.ManualClose = true;

            _radtooltip.Position = ToolTipPosition.MiddleRight;

            _radtooltip.RelativeTo = ToolTipRelativeDisplay.Element;

            _radtooltip.TargetControlID = this.TargetControlID;


            _radtooltip.Animation = ToolTipAnimation.FlyIn;



            this.ChildControlsCreated = true;



        #region PRE-RENDER

        /// <summary>


        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="e"></param>

        protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)



            if (((HelpTemplate)this._content.ItemTemplate).Nav.ToString() != "")


                ((System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart)Parent).HelpUrl = ((HelpTemplate)this._content.ItemTemplate).Nav.ToString();




        /// <summary>


        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="writer"></param>

        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)


            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ControlPositioningStyleId))


                ControlPositioningStyleId = "bubble-wrapper";


            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, ControlPositioningStyleId);






        private class HelpTemplate : ITemplate


            #region modifiers and properties

            string morehelptext = string.Empty;

            string title = string.Empty;

            string shortdescription = string.Empty;

            string navigationalurl = string.Empty;

            string longdescription = string.Empty;

            string longdescriptionurl = string.Empty;

            string navurl = string.Empty;

            private ContentHelp _help;

            public HelpTemplate(ContentHelp help)


                this._help = help;               


            public ContentHelp HelpContent


                get { return _help; }

                set { _help = value; }


            public string Nav


                get { return navurl; }

                set { navurl = value; }



            void ITemplate.InstantiateIn(Control container)


                container.DataBinding += delegate


                    //container that holds the text

                    object dataItem = ((IDataItemContainer)container).DataItem;

                    #region web content values

                    //'More Help' text

                    morehelptext = (string)HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject("Issuer/Help", "/Issuer/Help/Url");

                    XPathNavigator nav = ((IXPathNavigable)dataItem).CreateNavigator();



                    if (nav.Select("title").Count > 0) //if "title" node exist


                        title = (String)nav.SelectSingleNode("title").ToString();



                    if (nav.Select("url").Count > 0) //if url node exist


                        navigationalurl = nav.SelectSingleNode("url").Value.Trim();                       


                    //short description

                    if (nav.Select("short-description").Count > 0) //if "short-description" node exist


                        shortdescription = nav.SelectSingleNode("short-description").Value.Trim();


                    //long description

                    if (nav.Select("long-description").Count > 0) //if "long-description" node exist


                        longdescription = nav.SelectSingleNode("long-description").Value.Trim();


                    // long dscriontion utl

                    if (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["HelpLongDescURL"] != null)


                        longdescriptionurl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["HelpLongDescURL"].ToString();



                    #region Test only

                    //@@@@@@@@@@@TEST ONLY........................

                    //longdescription = "";

                    //shortdescription = "";

                    //navigationalurl = "";

                    //title = "";

                    //navigationalurl = "";

                    //@@@@@@@@@@@TEST ONLY........................

                    //string  val = (string)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Profile.GetPropertyValue("CountryCode");


                    #region main content

                    Literal bubbleMainLtrl = new Literal();

                    bubbleMainLtrl.Text = "<h5>" + this.title + "</h5>" + this.shortdescription;


                    HtmlGenericControl utltext = new HtmlGenericControl();

                    LiteralControl urrLtrl = new LiteralControl("</div><div class=\"bubblelink\">");


                    #region logic

                    //applying the logic

                    if (navigationalurl != string.Empty) //if there is a url : display url


                        if (this.shortdescription != string.Empty || this.title != string.Empty)


                            Nav = navigationalurl;

                            urrLtrl.Text = "<a href='" + navigationalurl + "' originalAttribute="href" originalPath="" + navigationalurl + "" originalAttribute="href" originalPath="" + navigationalurl + "" >" + morehelptext + "</a>";






                            Nav = navigationalurl;

                            this.HelpContent._radtooltip.Enabled = false;                           



                    else if (longdescription != string.Empty)


                        //short desc

                        if (this.shortdescription != string.Empty)


                            if (this.HelpContent.ContentId != null)


                                //urrLtrl.Text = "<a href='" + longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId + "' originalAttribute="href" originalPath="" + longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId + "" originalAttribute="href" originalPath="" + longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId + "" originalAttribute="href" originalPath="" + longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId + "" originalAttribute="href" originalPath="" + longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId + "" >" + morehelptext + "</a>";

                                urrLtrl.Text = "<a href='" + longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId + "' originalAttribute="href" originalPath="" + longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId + "" originalAttribute="href" originalPath="" + longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId + "" target='_blank' >" + morehelptext + "</a>";



                                Nav = longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId;                               




                                //disable the bubble

                                this.HelpContent._radtooltip.Enabled = false;



                        else //no short description only long description


                            if (this.HelpContent.ContentId != null)


                                //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId, false);

                                Nav = longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId;

                                this.HelpContent._radtooltip.Enabled = false;




                    else //if no long desc and no url


                        if (shortdescription == string.Empty) //no short desc


                            this.HelpContent._radtooltip.Enabled = false;



                        {    /*dislpay the short description only*/       }



                    this._help._radtooltip.Title = this.title;

                    this._help._radtooltip.Text = this.shortdescription + "<br />" + urrLtrl.Text;








Controls:ContentHelp ID="LinkBubble1" runat="server" ContentId="viewuploadfile1" TargetControlID="WebPartHelpVerb">



<Controls:ContentHelp ID="LinkBubble2" runat="server" ContentId="viewuploadfile2" TargetControlID="WebPartHelpVerb">



only one of them is work. Please help



5 Answers, 1 is accepted

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answered on 16 Sep 2008, 06:25 AM
can anybody in telirik team please replay to this question
Top achievements
Rank 1
answered on 16 Sep 2008, 06:25 AM
can anybody in telirik team please replay to this question?
Svetlina Anati
Telerik team
answered on 16 Sep 2008, 04:05 PM
Hello Raj,

Only a single tooltip might be visible at any given time. This behavior is by design and will not be changed as changing it would defy the purpose of the control.

The purpose of a tooltip is to provide additional information for a given element. It is not meant to be used as a popup control or as a draggable panel. For this purpose we provide RadWindow and RadDock controls. Both of these controls allow more than one visible element of the kind on the page.

Our suggestion is to consider using RadWindow and RadDock controls.

All the best,
the Telerik team

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Rank 1
answered on 16 Sep 2008, 09:17 PM
You might have understood my requirements in correctly. I do not need multiple tool tips to be displayed at any given time. I need one tool tip to be displayed at a time. For example see the RadToolTipManager behaviour. This exactly the behaviour I want. I tried using RadToolTipManager. But I do not how to dynamically add my TargetControl to the RadToolTipManager. Please see my code below with RadToolTipManager. You see target control is hard coded. i don't know how to retrieve the client id of my target control. and then add dynamically to the RadMgr. Please help?

using System;

using System.Text;

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Web;

using System.Xml;

using System.Xml.XPath;

using System.Configuration;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using Telerik.Web.UI;

using AjaxControlToolkit;

using Cts.Bamboo.UI.Controls;

using Cts.Web.Issuer.Utilities;

[assembly: WebResource(Cts.Web.Issuer.UI.Controls.ContentHelp.BubbleScript, "text/javascript")]

namespace Cts.Web.Issuer.UI.Controls


    /// <summary>


    /// </summary>

    public class ContentHelp : CompositeControl


        #region MODIFIERS

        //private PopupControlExtender _extender;

        private RadToolTip _radtooltip;

        private RadToolTipManager _radMgr;

        private string target;

        private Cts.Bamboo.UI.Controls.ContentPanel _content;

        private string _controlPositioningStyleId = string.Empty;

        internal const string BubbleScript = "Cts.Web.Issuer.UI.Controls.BubbleScript.BubbleScript.js";

        internal Parameter countryCode = new Parameter("country-code", TypeCode.String, (string)HttpContext.Current.Profile[ProfileVars.IssuerCountryCode]);


        public ContentHelp()

        { }

        #region PROPERTIES

        public string ContentId


            get { base.EnsureChildControls(); return _content.SelectParameters[0].DefaultValue; }

            set { base.EnsureChildControls(); _content.SelectParameters[0].DefaultValue = value; }


        public string TargetControlID


            get { base.EnsureChildControls(); return target; }

            set { base.EnsureChildControls(); target = value; }


        public string ControlPositioningStyleId


            get { base.EnsureChildControls(); return _controlPositioningStyleId; }

            set { base.EnsureChildControls(); _controlPositioningStyleId = value; }


        //public PopupControlExtender Extender


        //    get { base.EnsureChildControls(); return _extender; }


        public RadToolTipManager Extender


            get { base.EnsureChildControls(); return _radMgr; }



        #region DESIGNER CREATION

        protected override void CreateChildControls()



            //this._extender = new PopupControlExtender();

            //this._extender.ID = "popup";

            ////this._extender.Position = PopupControlPopupPosition.Bottom;

            ////this._extender.OffsetX = -180;

            ////this._extender.OffsetY = -89;

            //this._extender.PopupControlID = "Panel1";         

            //Panel panel = new Panel();

            //panel.CssClass = "bubble";

            //panel.ID = "Panel1";

            //LiteralControl top = new LiteralControl("<div class=\"bt\"></div><div class=\"mid\">");


            this._content = new Cts.Bamboo.UI.Controls.ContentPanel();

            this._content.ItemTemplate = new HelpTemplate(this);

            this._content.Source = "webpart-help";


                QueryStringParameter helpIdparam = new QueryStringParameter("help-id", "help");


                //Parameter countryCode = new Parameter("country-code");

                //countryCode.DefaultValue = "AU";




            //LiteralControl bottom = new LiteralControl("</div><div class=\"bb\"><div class=\"bcall\"></div></div>");




            //_radtooltip = new RadToolTip();

            //_radtooltip.ID = "popup";

            //_radtooltip.ShowEvent = ToolTipShowEvent.OnClick;

            //_radtooltip.ShowDelay = 0;

            //_radtooltip.ManualClose = true;

            //_radtooltip.Position = ToolTipPosition.MiddleRight;

            //_radtooltip.RelativeTo = ToolTipRelativeDisplay.Element;

            //_radtooltip.TargetControlID = "ctl00_ctl00_wpmanager_ViewUploadedFilesPart1_WebPartHelpVerb";


            //_radtooltip.Animation = ToolTipAnimation.FlyIn;


            _radMgr = new RadToolTipManager();

            _radMgr.TargetControls.Add("ctl00_ctl00_wpmanager_ViewUploadedFilesPart1_WebPartHelpVerb", true);

            _radMgr.TargetControls.Add("ctl00_ctl00_wpmanager_UploadFilePart_WebPartHelpVerb", true);

            _radMgr.ShowEvent = ToolTipShowEvent.OnClick;



            this.ChildControlsCreated = true;



        #region PRE-RENDER

        protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)



            if (((HelpTemplate)this._content.ItemTemplate).Nav.ToString() != "")


                ((System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart)Parent).HelpUrl = ((HelpTemplate)this._content.ItemTemplate).Nav.ToString();


            //Temp fix to get the dash borad catalogue works : Scriv/Bamboo is working on a perm. solution - Raj 13/8/2008

            //if (this.Parent.FindControl(this._radMgr.TargetControlID) != null)


            //    StringBuilder scriptBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            //    scriptBuilder.Append("bubbleUtil.initBubbleTarget('" + this.Parent.FindControl(this._radMgr.TargetControlID).ClientID + "','" + _radtooltip.ClientID + "');\r\n");

            //    this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptResource(typeof(ContentHelp), BubbleScript);

            //    this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(ContentHelp), this.ClientID, scriptBuilder.ToString(), true);


            ////Temp fix to get the dash borad catalogue works : Scriv/Bamboo is working on a perm. solution - Raj 12/8/2008



            //    //this._radMgr.TargetControls. = "WebPartHelpVerb";




        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)


            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ControlPositioningStyleId))


                ControlPositioningStyleId = "bubble-wrapper";


            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, ControlPositioningStyleId);






        private class HelpTemplate : ITemplate


            #region modifiers and properties

            string morehelptext = string.Empty;

            string title = string.Empty;

            string shortdescription = string.Empty;

            string navigationalurl = string.Empty;

            string longdescription = string.Empty;

            string longdescriptionurl = string.Empty;

            string navurl = string.Empty;

            private ContentHelp _help;

            public HelpTemplate(ContentHelp help)


                this._help = help;


            public ContentHelp HelpContent


                get { return _help; }

                set { _help = value; }


            public string Nav


                get { return navurl; }

                set { navurl = value; }



            void ITemplate.InstantiateIn(Control container)


                container.DataBinding += delegate


                    //container that holds the text

                    object dataItem = ((IDataItemContainer)container).DataItem;

                    #region web content values

                    //'More Help' text

                    morehelptext = (string)HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject("Issuer/Help", "/Issuer/Help/Url");

                    XPathNavigator nav = ((IXPathNavigable)dataItem).CreateNavigator();


                    if (nav.Select("title").Count > 0) //if "title" node exist


                        title = (String)nav.SelectSingleNode("title").ToString();



                    if (nav.Select("url").Count > 0) //if url node exist


                        navigationalurl = nav.SelectSingleNode("url").Value.Trim();


                    //short description

                    if (nav.Select("short-description").Count > 0) //if "short-description" node exist


                        shortdescription = nav.SelectSingleNode("short-description").Value.Trim();


                    //long description

                    if (nav.Select("long-description").Count > 0) //if "long-description" node exist


                        longdescription = nav.SelectSingleNode("long-description").Value.Trim();


                    // long dscriontion utl

                    if (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["HelpLongDescURL"] != null)


                        longdescriptionurl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["HelpLongDescURL"].ToString();



                    #region Test only

                    //@@@@@@@@@@@TEST ONLY........................

                    //longdescription = "";

                    //shortdescription = "";

                    //navigationalurl = "";

                    //title = "";

                    //navigationalurl = "";

                    //@@@@@@@@@@@TEST ONLY........................

                    //string  val = (string)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Profile.GetPropertyValue("CountryCode");


                    #region main content

                    Literal bubbleMainLtrl = new Literal();

                    bubbleMainLtrl.Text = "<h5>" + this.title + "</h5>" + this.shortdescription;


                    HtmlGenericControl utltext = new HtmlGenericControl();

                    LiteralControl urrLtrl = new LiteralControl("</div><div class=\"bubblelink\">");


                    #region logic

                    //applying the logic

                    if (navigationalurl != string.Empty) //if there is a url : display url


                        if (this.shortdescription != string.Empty || this.title != string.Empty)


                            Nav = navigationalurl;

                            urrLtrl.Text = "<a href = '" + navigationalurl + "' >" + morehelptext + "</a>";






                            Nav = navigationalurl;

                            this.HelpContent._radMgr.Enabled = false;



                    else if (longdescription != string.Empty)


                        //short desc

                        if (this.shortdescription != string.Empty)


                            if (this.HelpContent.ContentId != null)


                                //urrLtrl.Text = "<a href = '" + longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId + "' >" + morehelptext + "</a>";

                                urrLtrl.Text = "<a href = '" + longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId + "' target='_blank' >" + morehelptext + "</a>";



                                Nav = longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId;




                                //disable the bubble

                                this.HelpContent._radMgr.Enabled = false;



                        else //no short description only long description


                            if (this.HelpContent.ContentId != null)


                                //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId, false);

                                Nav = longdescriptionurl + this.HelpContent.ContentId;

                                this.HelpContent._radMgr.Enabled = false;




                    else //if no long desc and no url


                        if (shortdescription == string.Empty) //no short desc


                            this.HelpContent._radMgr.Enabled = false;



                        { /*dislpay the short description only*/       }



                    //this._help._radtooltip.Title = this.title;

                    //this._help._radtooltip.Text = this.shortdescription + "<br />" + urrLtrl.Text;

                    this._help._radMgr.Title = this.title;

                    this._help._radMgr.Text = this.shortdescription + "<br />" + urrLtrl.Text;







Svetlina Anati
Telerik team
answered on 19 Sep 2008, 12:41 PM
Hello Raj,

Your original question as the thread's title is for a problem with showing RadToolTip when there are more than one instance of your custom control on the page. I tested it and I was not able to reproduce it.

As to your second question, please note that it is not directly related to RadControls. I am also not sure how exactly you want to set the id - through a property as done with the RadToolTip, through a method, etc. Basically, you can extract a control's ClientID on the server by using the structure Control.ClientID and set it server-side to your custom control.

the Telerik team

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Svetlina Anati
Telerik team
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