Hi Guys,
Recently I was trying to do some automated tests for my website using "Watir" framework.
However I couldn't get the DropDownList and other Rad Elements work. Here is my HTML code:
<tel:RadDropDownList ID="ddlzone" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlzone_SelectedIndexChanged" ></tel:RadDropDownList>
Then I got a bunch of "div"s with different "id" and "ul"s "li"s elements in the final page. ( by using chrome inspect function)
Then I am trying to change the selection of this DropDownList in my ruby code:
ie = Watir::Browser.new
ie.select_list(:id => "ctl00_MainContent_ddlzone_DropDown").select_value("Japan")
There are some error messages saying that this element couldn't be found.
I went to google and found two links about testing telerik elements with watir:
They are both written 10 years ago and some links in the page didn't work anymore. I tried the method in the above links but didn't get any luck.
My question is :
Is there any good examples of testing complex telerik controls with Watir framework?
Maybe there is a better way to test it rather than watir?
Thanks a lot!