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Header Row Height

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Marcel asked on 27 Jun 2016, 09:26 AM

Hi there,

I use a RadGridView with ColumnGroups and I just can't find out how to make the column group headers as well as the regular column headers height smaller than the default size. My font size is quite small and the headers are using up much more space than required. If I increase the font size to let's say 30 the headers grow in height accordingly but shrinking only works to some point. Looks like there is some min height configured anywhere but I can't find it.

If I try to adjust the row header height through the HeaderRowStyle and set the height to some smaller value, the headers just get cut off which is not what I want... I use the Windows 8 Theme by the way...

Thanks for any kind of help on this topic.


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answered on 30 Jun 2016, 05:51 AM
Seems like this is impossible to achive without changing all the corresponding control templates (which I don't want). I removed the column groups and created my own column groups above to the RadGridView. And now I can control the height of the header row as I want. Only drawback is that I can't use the column group feature of the RadGridView...
Stefan Nenchev
Telerik team
answered on 30 Jun 2016, 07:00 AM
Hello Marcel,

Indeed, in order to achieve the behavior, you will have to change several control templates as the GridViewHeaderRow contains both the column headers and the group headers. With this in mind, changing simply the height of the row would not work and you will need to review the control templates of the GridViewHeaderCell and the CommonColumnHeader and apply a few changes(possibly remove some elements as they are designed to fit in some minimum height). I see that you have decided to not take this path, but still, the following article might be of help - Edit Control Templates - in case you decide to try this approach. Of course, you can always contact us if you have some more specific questions.

Stefan Nenchev
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Stefan Nenchev
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