I'm using the grid in a ASP.NET MVC application and though I've followed the example on scrolling ... the header row does not scroll. I've tested this is IE7 and Firefox ... same behavior in both. The data scrolls horizontally but the headers do not. I've tried all kinds of things to get it to properly scroll to no avail.
<telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid1" AllowPaging="true" AllowSorting="true" runat="server"
ShowStatusBar="true" ShowFooter="True" GridLines="None" Width="900px"
AutoGenerateColumns="false" AllowAutomaticUpdates="true" AllowAutomaticDeletes="true">
<MasterTableView DataKeyNames="ID" EditMode="InPlace" CommandItemDisplay="Top" Width="99%" >
<HeaderStyle Width="200px" />
<Scrolling AllowScroll="true" UseStaticHeaders="true" />
<telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid1" AllowPaging="true" AllowSorting="true" runat="server"
ShowStatusBar="true" ShowFooter="True" GridLines="None" Width="900px"
AutoGenerateColumns="false" AllowAutomaticUpdates="true" AllowAutomaticDeletes="true">
<MasterTableView DataKeyNames="ID" EditMode="InPlace" CommandItemDisplay="Top" Width="99%" >
<HeaderStyle Width="200px" />
<Scrolling AllowScroll="true" UseStaticHeaders="true" />