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Have to click twice to see Radtooltip ...

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IQworks asked on 16 Mar 2009, 04:40 PM

I started from the great example that was posted here:
I have an application where I display an regular for within my grid for data entry. This grid is on a content page (of a masterpage) by the way.
The first field is a name.  I use a RequiredFieldValidator.
When the form is in insert mode and there is a blank name and the user presses Insert, the Radtooltip comes back with the 


But, When the form is in update mode and there is a blank name and the user presses update the first time, the Radtooltip does not display. But if you press the update button a second time, the radtooltip shows.
I am using the RadAjaxManager. When I comment out the RadAjaxManager, the update works as desired the first time the user presses update. But of course I loose my RadAjaxLoadingPanel. Even targeting the RadToolTip within the RadAjaxManager does not show the tooltip until the second button press.
I tried the RadAjaxPanel, no problems, everything worked !

I have read through several post and I understand that the Validators do not work well with the RadAjaxManager.
my questions :
1) I have read many posts within and without telerik's forum and I get a little confused. Some telerik posts say there are problems with ASP.NET validators when used with RadAjaxManager, yet, some say it will be resolved, and others say there are workarounds ? Is this an issue that has been resolved in a new release ? I am at "Telerik.Web.UI.dll 2008.3.1125.35 Trial version".
2) If this has not been resolved, is there a workaround using RadAjaxManager and the validators ?
3)  Can I upgrade to the latest telerik release even though I am in a trial version.
4) To keep the advantages of the RadAjaxManager, is there another, or better way to do validation and display a validation summary(client side and server side) ?

Thanks for your time.

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Georgi Krustev
Telerik team
answered on 20 Mar 2009, 11:03 AM
Hello David,

Straight onto your questions:

1. Please review online page devoted on the current RadAjax limitations for further information. Note that the ASP.NET validators should work without issues with version Q3 2008 of the suite or later.

2. The previous part covers this paragraph as well. The detail you should take into account is that for shared hostings, please use server validation by setting the EnableClientScripts property of the validators to false. 

3. There is no limitation if you are using the trial version of the controls. You can always download the latest release from the

4. You can review this online demo which uses server-side validation and then choose which approach is most suitable for your needs.

Best regards,
Georgi Krustev
the Telerik team

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