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GroupOperator is always AND

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Steve asked on 26 Jan 2017, 06:43 PM
When I add a Group using RadFilter, even when I select another operator (such as 'Or', 'Not And'  or 'Not Or'), the provider Result always shows 'And'.  I have verified that the ExpressionItem is a GroupExpression, and its GroupOperator is 'Or' when that is selected.  I can live with the display being in error, but I can't seem to access the GroupOperator = so that I can use it if that's the case.  Please advise- is this a bug?  Any actions or code to correct or at least access the values in the collection?  I have attached a screen shot showing the issue.

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answered on 31 Jan 2017, 11:45 AM

I tested how RadFilter generates filter expressions on this demo and it works as expected there. Please try to replicate the problem on it and give exact steps for reproduce.
 In case you are not able to reproduce the problem on the demo page, you can provide a small runnable project, which demonstrates the issue.

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