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Grouping and paging issue

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Karl asked on 30 Nov 2010, 01:58 PM
I have a grid which is working exactly as I want apart from one slight annoyance which I can't seem to fix.

My grid has a paging turned on and a page size of 25. In my example, my grid has 566 pages.

I have also allowed grouping on the grid so users can drag the column header to the grouping bar.

When a user creates a group and the number of rows for that group exceeds my page size, then a message shows saying...

"Group: x (showing y of z items. Group continues on the next page)"

However, I have a group which has 36 items in and, by chance, the first 11 of these fall on one page and the remaining 25 on the next.

On the first page for this group (which happens to be page 3 of my grid), the group header message reads...

"Group: x (showing 11 of 36 items. Group continues on the next page)"

but on the second page (page 4 of my grid) the group header message reads...

 "Group: x (... group continued from the previous page. Showing 0 of 36 items."

Surely this should read...

 "Group: x (... group continued from the previous page. Showing 25 of 36 items."

Is this a known bug or am I missing something?

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Telerik team
answered on 01 Dec 2010, 12:32 PM
Hello Karl,

Yes it is a bug. I have reported it to the our developers and they will fix it for the next version of the control.

Best wishes,
the Telerik team
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