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GridView sort only current page

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Krati asked on 10 Nov 2016, 09:31 AM


I have a GridView with large number of data. I am using Datapager for pagination having 100 records per page. On click of next page I download the next 100 records.

Problem :- Inbuilt sorting, sorts the whole gridview but I want to sort only the current page not the whole grid, as other pages may not have data.

While sorting with other pages as blank, results in null values shown up at the top of the grid.


Any help appreciated!

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Ivan Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 10 Nov 2016, 09:51 AM

You can use a similar approach to the one demonstrated in this example: demos > GridView > Paging before grouping. You need to declare a class deriving from QCV and override its CreateView method, switching the order of Sorting and Paging logic.

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