Hello All,
I have a typical problem.I have a grid in one of my panel bar. I am using normal asp grid view. I am getting all the count values and I am binding the data to the grid also by finding the grid
I have a typical problem.I have a grid in one of my panel bar. I am using normal asp grid view. I am getting all the count values and I am binding the data to the grid also by finding the grid
Sample: GridView grdPropertyType = (GridView)RadPanelBar1.FindItemByValue("propertyType").FindControl("grdPropertyType");grdPropertyType .DataSource=data;(I have count of 10 values)grdPropertyType.DataBind(); --------------- and I am using the following code to bind the data:protected void grdPropertyType_DataBound(object sender,GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { Label lblPropertyTypeName = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblPropertyTypeData"); Label lblPropertyTypeCount = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblPropertyTypeCountData"); PropertyListView rowData = (PropertyListView)e.Row.DataItem; lblPropertyTypeName.Text = rowData.PropertyTypeDesc; lblPropertyTypeCount.Text = rowData.PropertyTypeCount.ToString(); } } -----------------------Is my code wrong? My problem is,I am unable to see grid view in the rad panel bar.Can you people help me on that???? Thanks and Regards Rama.M