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GridView EF6 AsNoTracking

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Artem asked on 07 Jul 2016, 11:22 AM

Hello. We have got a weird issue. We have a data provider which returns IQueryable like

Source = new QueryableCollectionView(_dbContext.Orders.AsNoTracking());

Then it's bound to the rad grid view.


The problem appears when edit mode is activated, after lost focus new row to the gridview is added. If I don't use AsNoTracking it works fine.

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Stefan Nenchev
Telerik team
answered on 11 Jul 2016, 12:20 PM
Hello Artem,

As advised in the ticket you have raised, using the AsNoTracking method is generally used in a query which you intend to use for read-only data. However, applying the ToList() method to a query similar to the one provided in the 
ticket has resolved the issue with the new item added. Please test this at your end and update me with the results. Providing more information on why you need to use this method in your query in a scenario where updates are required would be appreciated.

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