I have a grid with 4 filterable columns. We want the endusers to be able to press ENTER and have it, by default, select "EqualTo" and filter the grid. This functionality is working on 3 of the 4 columns, by adding:
However, the 4th column is a GridMaskedColumn, and acts odd. I'm using Q3 2008 .NET3.5 version of the rad controls. When the user hits enter from the masked column, you can breifly see a menu popup at the location of the mouse cursor. If I disable AutoPostBackOnFilter I can then figure out that the menu is actually from the 1st column, not the 4th (Masked) column. Either way, when the page reloads it shows everything in its previous state, completely ignoring what is in the GridMaskedColumn filter (whats even more weird is it persists the text in the box -- but dosn't filter on it).
Here's the code, any help would be greatly appriciated:
="EqualTo" AutoPostBackOnFilter="true"
However, the 4th column is a GridMaskedColumn, and acts odd. I'm using Q3 2008 .NET3.5 version of the rad controls. When the user hits enter from the masked column, you can breifly see a menu popup at the location of the mouse cursor. If I disable AutoPostBackOnFilter I can then figure out that the menu is actually from the 1st column, not the 4th (Masked) column. Either way, when the page reloads it shows everything in its previous state, completely ignoring what is in the GridMaskedColumn filter (whats even more weird is it persists the text in the box -- but dosn't filter on it).
Here's the code, any help would be greatly appriciated:
<telerik:GridMaskedColumn UniqueName="SSN" HeaderText="SSN" DataField="SSN" CurrentFilterFunction="EqualTo"
FilterControlWidth="80px" Mask="###-##-####">
ItemStyle CssClass="certcolpadding"></ItemStyle>