I have created few GridDropDownColumn in my page in design of the page with the properties of
I don't want to use DataSourceId to define from the design of the page since I need to load the records in the loading time of the grid and I am using data layer to call the department table records. I have already created the function in data layer which returns all department records in data table.
Same as I need to do for Job Title and Location. I think I need to load these griddropdowns before loading the records in Grid. I read the http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/grid-customize-configure-griddropdowncolumn.html page but still it didn't help me.
"Filter ddlDepartment column"
I don't want to use DataSourceId to define from the design of the page since I need to load the records in the loading time of the grid and I am using data layer to call the department table records. I have already created the function in data layer which returns all department records in data table.
Same as I need to do for Job Title and Location. I think I need to load these griddropdowns before loading the records in Grid. I read the http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/grid-customize-configure-griddropdowncolumn.html page but still it didn't help me.