using Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX
version: 2013.3.1324.40
Visual Studio 2010
I have a RadGrid with a GridClientSelectColumn and AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowMultiRowSelection="True"
I'm using the SelectedItems collection. It works fine the first time. I redirect to another web page after form submission and all is good. If I go back using the browser back button (ie 11) I then get unexpected functionality. For example: I checked row 1, 3 and 5. Verified that I detected that correctly. Click browser back button. Unselect row 3. I now expect to detect the remaining selected rows -- 1 and 5. Instead I detect 3 selected.
I've tried a number of variations of the code and can't get expected functionality. I've tried MasterTableView.Items.
I've tried
CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)item["GridClientSelectColumn1"].Controls[0];
if (chk.Checked) ...
Nothing works.
I'm sorry I have not posted a stripped down sanitized version of the code. I won't have time to do that until next week.