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Grid with Hierarchy and sorting

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AdamL asked on 13 Aug 2008, 07:34 PM
My question is two parts:

1.  I have a Hierarchy grid that is not keeping state.  When I expand nodes and then sort the top level grid, the grid retruns to the all-collapsed state.  Is there a way to maintain the expand / collapse state during the sort callback?

2.  I also need a way to collapse all / expand all from a button press.  This needs to work in conjunction with #1.  The button for the action can be in the grid action bar or a separate button outside the grid.

Thanks in advance.

- Adam

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answered on 14 Aug 2008, 05:57 AM
Hi Lindsaad,

1. Here is code library submission which explains how to retain the expanded state in hierarchical Grid on rebind.
Retain expanded/selected state in hierarchy on rebind

2. I have submitted a code library on adding ExpandAll/CollapseAll option in the grid header for a hierarchical grid. Go through it and see whether it meet you requirements.
Custom expand/collapse column with ExpandAll/CollapseAll image button in the header

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