Hi Progress,
Im trying to make an grid view that uses an edit button. My goal is for the user to be taken to another page (an edit page) when pressing that button. I do not want inline editing of that item. Since i found the tag helpers very useful and readable, making it easier for other developers to read them, i im currently looking to make an navigation between edit button and passing an value to an View where Customer is supposed to edit the chosen item.
Iv'e tried the following without any luck:
actionlink through using your taghelpers.
<update url="@Url.Action("Edit", "VehicleHome", *What do i post here* )"type="PATCH" />
<column-command text="Edit" name="edit">/*What do i post here*/</column-command>
However i do not know how to pass an value of the item i want to edit through taghelpers.
My grid looks as followed.
<kendo-grid name="VehicleHome" height="550">
<column field="Id" title="ID">
<filterable enabled="false"></filterable>
<column field="Name" title="Namn" />
<column field="Street" title="Gata" />
<column field="PostalCode" title="Postnummer" />
<column-command text="Edit" name="edit"></column-command>
<scrollable enabled="true" />
<sortable enabled="true" />
<pageable enabled="true" />
<filterable enabled="true" />
<pageable button-count="5" refresh="true" page-sizes="new int[] { 5, 10, 20, 50}"></pageable>
<datasource type="DataSourceTagHelperType.Ajax" page-size="20">
<read url="@Url.Action("Get_VehicleHomes", "Grid")" type="GET" />
<update url="@Url.Action("Edit", "VehicleHome", 1 )"type="PATCH" />
Thank you!