Dear All,
One of our web pages is taking nearly 10 – 12 seconds to load. I analyzed the issue and realized that at server it is taking only 4 seconds and immediately I assumed that the remaining time is taken at the client side to load. I did the following to prove my assumption:
I have a Rad splitter and two Rad grids are enclosed in the Rad splitter. The OnClientLoad property of the Rad Splitter is assigned with the javascript method OnClientLoad. Under client events of RadAjaxManager the OnResponseEnd property is assigned with "responseEnd" javascript mehtod.
<telerik:RadSplitter ID="RadSplitter1" runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal"
ResizeMode="AdjacentPane" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad" Style="height: auto !important;"
Width="100%" BorderSize="0">
<ClientEvents OnRequestStart="requestStarted" OnResponseEnd="responseEnd" />
I declared global variables and assigned the time when these two events were fired and finally read those variables at the end of responseEnd method by calling alert function to show these variable values in a message box.
From these values I observed that the time difference is 6 seconds.
From the above observation I concluded that the rendering time of the grids is taking nearly 6 seconds.
When user click on the search button in the web page the first rad grid is shown. And when the user clicks on one of the link buttons which is there on every row in the first grid an ajax call is made and the second grid is displayed. Data bind happens to both the grids on the server side during the ajax call.
Around 130 rows are displayed in the second grid. And only one column has editable text box. I am using Rad Input Manager control. There are no other calls being made once the page start loading at the client
Is my above analysis and assumptions are correct? If it is correct, what I can do to improve performance of rendering the grid. Is this an expected behavior for that amount of data?