I have a telerik grid with lots of rows. i have a delete button:
<telerik:GridButtonColumn ButtonType="ImageButton"
FilterControlAltText="Filter column column" UniqueName="GridButtonDelete" CommandName="Delete">
I initially had code in the postbackurl and after the delete button was clicked I successfuly went to another page and did what i had to do. But I decided to add a client side confirmation
(item["GridButtonDelete"].Controls[0] as ImageButton).OnClientClick = "return confirm ('OK to Delete?');";
Once the confirmation was added the postbackurl of the delete button does not fire.
what am i doing wrong?
<telerik:GridButtonColumn ButtonType="ImageButton"
FilterControlAltText="Filter column column" UniqueName="GridButtonDelete" CommandName="Delete">
I initially had code in the postbackurl and after the delete button was clicked I successfuly went to another page and did what i had to do. But I decided to add a client side confirmation
(item["GridButtonDelete"].Controls[0] as ImageButton).OnClientClick = "return confirm ('OK to Delete?');";
Once the confirmation was added the postbackurl of the delete button does not fire.
what am i doing wrong?