After exporting grid data to pdf or excel, When open those files I am unable to see the grid lines in theme (grid lines are missing)
my code is as follows:
<radG:RadGrid ID="dgReport" runat="server" Skin="Default" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" >
<ExportSettings OpenInNewWindow="True" IgnorePaging="True">
<Pdf Author="Anonymous" Title="RadGrid export" Subject="RadGrid Export" Keywords="None"
AllowCopy="True" AllowModify="True" PageTopMargin="1in" PageBottomMargin="1in"
PageLeftMargin="0.2in" PageRightMargin="0.2in"></Pdf>
<MasterTableView HeaderStyle-Wrap="false" ItemStyle-Wrap="false">
<HeaderStyle Width="20px" />
<HeaderStyle Width="20px" />
<FilterMenu EnableTheming="True">
<CollapseAnimation Duration="200" Type="OutQuint" />
code behind:
bool isPdfExport = false;
protected void btnExportToPdf_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
isPdfExport = true;
dgReport.ExportSettings.ExportOnlyData = false;
dgReport.ExportSettings.Pdf.PageWidth = 2000;
What is the reason for this ?
After exporting grid data to pdf or excel, When open those files I am unable to see the grid lines in theme (grid lines are missing)
my code is as follows:
<radG:RadGrid ID="dgReport" runat="server" Skin="Default" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" >
<ExportSettings OpenInNewWindow="True" IgnorePaging="True">
<Pdf Author="Anonymous" Title="RadGrid export" Subject="RadGrid Export" Keywords="None"
AllowCopy="True" AllowModify="True" PageTopMargin="1in" PageBottomMargin="1in"
PageLeftMargin="0.2in" PageRightMargin="0.2in"></Pdf>
<MasterTableView HeaderStyle-Wrap="false" ItemStyle-Wrap="false">
<HeaderStyle Width="20px" />
<HeaderStyle Width="20px" />
<FilterMenu EnableTheming="True">
<CollapseAnimation Duration="200" Type="OutQuint" />
code behind:
bool isPdfExport = false;
protected void btnExportToPdf_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
isPdfExport = true;
dgReport.ExportSettings.ExportOnlyData = false;
dgReport.ExportSettings.Pdf.PageWidth = 2000;
What is the reason for this ?