I have the problem with footer aggregate , i saw the post talk about that , you suggested to set EnableLinqExpressions to false , i did it and fixed
but i Want to say , I'm trying to trace the error i found the problem with casting in .net 3.5 SP1 , when I test it with 3.5 , it's working fine , I check your source files , i found the problem with Linq.Cast between double and deciaml , and i found it as a public bug in SP1 , can you suggest some other solution , if I want to use LinqExpressions
but i Want to say , I'm trying to trace the error i found the problem with casting in .net 3.5 SP1 , when I test it with 3.5 , it's working fine , I check your source files , i found the problem with Linq.Cast between double and deciaml , and i found it as a public bug in SP1 , can you suggest some other solution , if I want to use LinqExpressions