I am using RadGrid in my web page (asp)
and in EditFormSettings - FormTemplate i have two RadComboBoxes with their datasources.
here is part of my code:
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="cbCompany" runat="server"
Enabled='<%#(Container.DataItem is Telerik.Web.UI.GridInsertionObject)%>' >
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="cbCompanyField" runat="server"
OnSelectedIndexChanged="cbCompanyField_SelectedIndexChanged" />
so, cbCompany is enabled only when i'm making Add New (rad commanditem), in case of editing it's enable is false.
plus when i'm changing cbCompanyField combo, cbCompany items mast change accordig as cbCompanyField selected value.
(on cbCompanyField_SelectedIndexChanged i change cbCompany datasource)
the problem is that, when i change cbCompanyField item in Add New mode, and the page is posting back, cbCompany's enable is turning to false.
i wonder, is there any solution for this?