i have a grid and in that Grid i have a column name 'Result' which Show data like 6-5,10-11 etc
i have two way to make that
1. select Set1 ,Set2 from table1
and then in grid
<telerik:GridTemplateColumn >
<%# Eval("Set1")+" -"+Eval("Set2") +","+'<sup>'+Eval("Set1")+'</sup>'+" -"+Eval("Set2") %>
</telerik:GridTemplateColumn >
2. i can return a field named 'result' from my data query store procedure like '(select ISNULL(CAST( Set1 as nvarchar(5)),'') +''+ ISNULL('-'+CAST(Set2 as nvarchar(5))+''+ISNULL('<sup>'+CAST(Set3 as nvarchar(5))+'</sup>','')'') as result from table1' which give me 6-5,10-11
and in grid
<telerik:GridBoundColumn UniqueName="Result" DataField="result" > </telerik:GridBoundColumn>
my Question is which one is better if the total number of set is 15.and number of row in result set more then 100