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Grid- NestedViewTemplate

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Priya asked on 07 Jan 2013, 02:55 PM


In Radgrid I am displaying invoice details like -'Invoice- Legal fee', 'Invoice- expenses' and 'Invoice- discount'.

Below each Invoice I am creating NestedViewTemplate for displaying Invoice's Credit memo details like 'Credit memo- Legal fee', 'Credit memo-  expenses' and 'Credit memo- discount'.

Now for displaying Grand Total for Legal fee, expenses, discount I want to do something like this –

 (Invoice- Legal fee- Credit memo- Legal fee)

(Invoice- expenses' - Credit memo- expenses')

(Invoice- discount'- Credit memo- discount')

This is working properly using

     Protected Sub RadGrid2_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridItemEventArgs)

            If TypeOf e.Item Is GridFooterItem Then

                Dim footerItem As GridFooterItem = TryCast(e.Item, GridFooterItem)

                If footerItem("Total").Text <> "" Then

                    strCMTotal1 = footerItem("Total").Text

                    strCMLegalSum1 = footerItem("Legal_Fees").Text

                    strCMExpenseSum1 = footerItem("Expenses").Text

                    strCMDiscount1 = footerItem("Discount").Text

                    strCMAdminFees1 = footerItem("%_of_Legal_Fees").Text

                    footerItem("Legal_Fees").Text =  strCMLegalSum1 - strCMLegalSum / 3   ‘Subtracting Credit memo details from Invoice details

                    footerItem("Expenses").Text = strCMExpenseSum1 - strCMExpenseSum / 3    ‘Subtracting Credit memo details from Invoice details

                    footerItem("Discount").Text =  strCMDiscount1 - strCMDiscount / 3    ‘Subtracting Credit memo details from Invoice details

                    footerItem("%_of_Legal_Fees").Text =   strCMAdminFees1 - strCMAdminFees / 3    ‘Subtracting Credit memo details from Invoice details

                    footerItem("Total").Text =  strCMTotal1 - strCMTotal / 3    ‘Subtracting Credit memo details from Invoice details

                End If

            End If

        End Sub

, but when I search (using grid filter), grand Total is not correct because i am not able to access filtered records and filtered credit memo details. Please suggest.

It’s very urgent. Thanks in advance.

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