I have a master page where in the RADAJAXPanel is present and a content page wherein the google map and few RadComboBoxes are present.
The Scenario is as follows :
1) The RADComboBoxes have a list of cities populated.
2)The GoogleMap creates a marker on the map based on the city selected (based on Latitudes and Longitudes of the city).
The Problems faced :
1) On the first/Initial load of the page the map works fine with the marker.
2) whenever a different city is selected from the combbox Auto post back is triggered. The map disappears .....
3) Without RADAJAXPanel the map works fine even after a different city is selected.... , But when RadAjaxPanel is used the GoogleMap disappears.....
Why is it so happening??
Can you suggest me a Solution for the same...
Thanks & Regards,
Vinay Manvi
I have a master page where in the RADAJAXPanel is present and a content page wherein the google map and few RadComboBoxes are present.
The Scenario is as follows :
1) The RADComboBoxes have a list of cities populated.
2)The GoogleMap creates a marker on the map based on the city selected (based on Latitudes and Longitudes of the city).
The Problems faced :
1) On the first/Initial load of the page the map works fine with the marker.
2) whenever a different city is selected from the combbox Auto post back is triggered. The map disappears .....
3) Without RADAJAXPanel the map works fine even after a different city is selected.... , But when RadAjaxPanel is used the GoogleMap disappears.....
Why is it so happening??
Can you suggest me a Solution for the same...
Thanks & Regards,
Vinay Manvi