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googlebot creates strange error

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Clive Hoggar
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Rank 1
Clive Hoggar asked on 01 Sep 2010, 05:57 PM

Can anyone tell me where to look for a solution to this problem.
When googlebot visits one of my pages it creates an exception error. the report I get
Message:      Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object]'.
Source:       Telerik.Web.UI
Form:         ctl00_ctl00_RadScriptManager1_HiddenField=&__EVENTTARGET=&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__LASTFOCUS=&__VIEWSTATE=%  etc etc

QueryString:  Ref=gaw

Target site:  Boolean LoadPostData(System.String, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)

but the page itself works fine for human visitors. I am concerned that for some reason Google won't index this page.

Can anyone shed some light?





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Iana Tsolova
Telerik team
answered on 07 Sep 2010, 10:48 AM
Hello Clive,

Could you please elaborate a bit on your scenario? What controls do you have on the page for instance? Sending a runnable code which we can use to replicate the error would help us in finding the source of it.

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answered on 07 Sep 2010, 11:29 AM
Hello Clive,

I know that we fixed a similar problem in the 2010 Q2 SP1 release (2010.2.826). The fix was in the form decorator section but I think it will also apply for the rest of the controls as well:

Fixed: Server exception when intentionally feeding invalid data in the client state of RadFormDecorator

Try updating to the service pack release and see if the errors disappear.

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General Discussions
Asked by
Clive Hoggar
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Rank 1
Answers by
Iana Tsolova
Telerik team
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