10 Answers, 1 is accepted
I tested the reported behavior in the latest version of Chrome (42.0.2311.90 m) and it seems that the issue is not reproducible anymore. Can you upgrade to it and see whether the problem is still persisted at your end? If yes, are you reproducing it only on a custom page or it can be observed also in our online demos here?
Looking forward to receiving a reply from you,

Problem still occurs. Including in your demo site. MyChrome version is:
42.0.2311.90 m on Win7.
Unfortunately I am still not able to reproduce the reported behavior with the latest version of Chrome () in Win7. Can you take a look over the video from my test here and let me know whether I am not leaving anything out - video?
Can you disable all installed plug-ins in your Chrome version and see whether this will make a difference?

Hi, I am also experiencing this issue with Chrome Version 44.0.2403.125 m in Windows 8. Any idea where to start looking for why this is happening?
I tested the issue in the described by you environment, but still was not able to reproduce it on my side. I am attaching a video from my test here: http://screencast.com/t/V7CnRW8IlW
It will be really helpful if you record a short video demonstrating the experienced issue. Also, as suggested to Lior, can you disable all installed plug-ins in your Chrome version and see what the results are?

I have the same issue. Latest version of Chrome, Windows 8, Surface Pro 3. Clicking items always multi-selects. You cannot stretch or rotate any item. Dragging moves every item on the screen. Here is a video: http://screencast.com/t/jJrG44UwKjX
I tried with extensions off, and it sill did the same. IE and Firefox work normally.
Thank you for the provided additional details - they were very important in understanding the exact behavior at hand. This is a designed select functionality in RadDiagram in all touch devices, allowing the user to select more than one shape at a time - a shape is added to a selection on tap/click over it, and respectively removed from the selection on a second tap. I hope this information will shed some light on the subject.

If it is expected behavior, then there is some bug or flaw in browsers, or my understand of how multi-select works:
1) IE and Firefox work differently than Chrome. In IE and Firefox, you can move items around (as expected), and scale items (as expected).
2) In Chrome, you can ONLY multi-select. you cannot move or scale any individual item or group of items. The video (probably poorly) shows me trying to select a single item and move or scale it. It doesn't seem possible.
Is there some mode that Chrome is setting that will not allow it to go out of tablet/touch mode (that is not set in IE or Firefox)?

Hi Brian,
Not been a great community member since I have a solution and didn't post it sooner.
Type chrome://flags/ in the address bar and press Enter.
Click on Enable touch events > Disabled.
It's not perfect since I don't like this 'touch' input change in functionality and you'll have to reset it to use touch in chrome once you are finished.
Vessy, a button to disable 'touch' mode in the diagram would be a good feature.
Unfortunately this is a browser behavior that cannot be controlled by us, related to the fact whether the browser interprets itself as a mobile browser on not. The only possible workaround I can offer you that is different with the approach used by Graeme, is to disable the Kendo Touch widget at all:
kendo.support.touch =
Thank you for sharing your solution, Graeme. I will forward your disable-enable button suggestion to our diagram developers so they will consider its implementation in the future.