I would like to introduce the possibility of using two images in a radgrid, one will be to redirect to the first page of my radgrid and the second to reditrect to the last page.
For so I have used the following code:
<PagerStyle Mode="NextPrevNumericAndAdvanced" FirstPageImageUrl="~/_Img/Ico16/IcoPrimeraPagina.gif" LastPageImageUrl="~/_Img/Ico16/IcoUltimaPagina.gif" PageButtonCount="5" />
Unfortunately is not working. IsnĀ“t it the correct code?
What do yuo suggest me?
Thank you.
I would like to introduce the possibility of using two images in a radgrid, one will be to redirect to the first page of my radgrid and the second to reditrect to the last page.
For so I have used the following code:
<PagerStyle Mode="NextPrevNumericAndAdvanced" FirstPageImageUrl="~/_Img/Ico16/IcoPrimeraPagina.gif" LastPageImageUrl="~/_Img/Ico16/IcoUltimaPagina.gif" PageButtonCount="5" />
Unfortunately is not working. IsnĀ“t it the correct code?
What do yuo suggest me?
Thank you.