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Report Designer (standalone)
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Paul asked on 16 Apr 2014, 07:20 PM
I am evaluating the Telerik Report Designer at the moment. But I have found very little documentation on using the Standalone Report Designer. In addition, the Standalone Report Designer seems to have very little functionality compared to what I've found in the Demos and other Documentation (which appear to be using Telerik Reporting inside Visual Studio).

Is Telerik Reporting *intended* to be used within a development environment? Is it more scalable/extensible inside VS?

So far, I haven't seen the Standalone Report Designer be able to compare with the flexibility of other Report Designers. I find this difficult to digest since I've read nothing but raves about Telerik.

Any information and points in the right direction would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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Telerik team
answered on 18 Apr 2014, 06:31 AM
Hello Paul,

We agree with you that currently the documentation regarding the report designers may be confusing and we have already took some actions in making it more clear. The documentation update will be published with the Service Pack scheduled for the next week. In the meantime here is a small part that may help you in making in your report designer choice:

Generally the report designers have common code base and most of the features are supported in the both report designers.

The report definition is designed in a report designer. We provide two report designer options. Both report authoring environments include features such as aggregates, enhanced support for expressions and wizards for creating graphs, maps, crosstabs, tables, band and label reports.

In the following list you can read about the report designers main differences:

Edit: The latest information about the designers differences is available in the Report Designers help article.

Let us know if you have any questions or if you need additional assistance for your evaluation.


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Report Designer (standalone)
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