I'm using 2015.1.401 of your controls.
I'm binding the PivotGrid to a List (Of SupplierAlert), where SupplierAlert is my class that represents a business object we work with.
One thing that is great about working with the regular RadGrid is that in the ItemDataBound method I can cast the dataitem into my type and then I can do all my logic using properties of my type. So for instance I could check a SupplierAlert.AlertLevel or whatever on my object as it bind, and color the cell red if it is a High Alert.
Can I do anything similar to that in the PivotGrid? In CellDataBound for instance, I want to check my SupplierAlert.HasActionItems property for each detail cell (not any of the aggregates) and if it is true, then I may want to add an img to it or something (don't worry about how to add an img to the cell... I can figure that out).
Again, is there a method on the server that I can use when the pivotgrid binds, or even after it binds, to do this type of logic?