Not sure what I did but now any time I call GetRadWindowManager or window.radconfirm I am getting these errors.
Seems like I'm now not pulling in the rad related client api stuff.
What could I have done?!
Things were working fine. I had a radwindowmanager in master page, and was already calling these routines no prob. Found that I had an issue where I had a radwindowmanager also defined in my content pages which was causing issues. So began tweaking pages to just have one radwindowmanager in the master page and none in the content pages, and programmatically add page-specific windows to that radwindowmanager.
Had it all working (posted my solution elsewhere) but then did SOMETHING stupid and now calls are not working.
Seems like I'm now not pulling in the rad related client api stuff.
What could I have done?!
Things were working fine. I had a radwindowmanager in master page, and was already calling these routines no prob. Found that I had an issue where I had a radwindowmanager also defined in my content pages which was causing issues. So began tweaking pages to just have one radwindowmanager in the master page and none in the content pages, and programmatically add page-specific windows to that radwindowmanager.
Had it all working (posted my solution elsewhere) but then did SOMETHING stupid and now calls are not working.